Using two separate venues for your wedding and reception opens up more options for both. However, it also comes with a logistical challenge both for wedding party members and guests. How can you make the transfer of your wedding festivities from one location to another easier for everyone? Here are a few simple tips to consider. 

1. Keep It Short. One big advantage of using two venues is that you don't have to turn over a single one. This is great for guests because it means they aren't cooling their heels waiting outside or having to figure out what to do with their time. If possible, schedule only a short pause between events — even an hour or less. Your venue can help have the reception space ready as early as possible. 

2. Help VIP Guests. Transferring between two venues is relatively easy for most guests. But some attendees may have difficulty if they don't have a vehicle, don't know the area, are ill or elderly, or have other special circumstances. Do them a favor by arranging transportation for them and reducing stress on everyone. This transport could be from rented vehicles or even the assistance of designated guests. 

3. Work With the Venue. Talk with your reception venue about whether or not guests may arrive and be accommodated before the reception starts. A large or flexible venue may have outside or waiting areas people can hang out in if they come before the reception doors open. This space doesn't need to be fancy or even official, but it boosts guest comfort by providing more options. 

4. Provide Recommendations. If there is a bit of a wait between the two events, draw up a few recommendations for guests to spend their time. Out-of-town guests will particularly appreciate knowing what they can do in an unfamiliar local area. This list might include anything from visiting your favorite pub to a particularly scenic drive or a local tourist hotspot. 

5. Use the Time. Make the period between events part of the fun of the day. Encourage people to photograph themselves doing interim activities. Send your photographer to the reception venue to photograph the space — and arriving guests as well. Design a wedding scavenger hunt. Or mark the route with fun welcome gifts as people progress. Be creative and make it memorable for the right reasons. 

Where to Start 

Find the right solution to whatever concerns you have about using two venues by meeting with an experienced local reception venue today. With their guidance and these tips, you and your guests will have a great day — no matter where it occurs.  

For more information, visit a local wedding reception venue
