It is only natural to want to look your very best on your wedding day. If you are like many people, this may mean taking advantage of some non-invasive cosmetic procedures and services in order to get ready for the big day. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, there are a few services that you will want to avoid in the days immediately preceeding your wedding. Continue reading to learn more about the three cosmetic services you will want to avoid in the days leading up to your wedding day.

#1: Bikini Wax

While this particular service is often more in preparation for the honeymoon than the wedding itself, it should be avoided in the days prior to the ceremony. This is especially true for individuals who do not commonly use this service. This is because many people can experience skin irritation and sensitivity in the days immediately following a bikini wax. So while you may think that you are making sure you are ready for some quality time with your new spouse, you may actually find yourself needing to delay wedding night activities due to the irritation your beauty regimen caused.

#2: Teeth Whitening

There will undoubtedly be a countless number of pictures taken of you on your wedding day. Consequently, the desire to be sporting a bright white smile is completely understandable. Teeth whitening services are a great option to help you achieve this goal. However, you will not want to wait until the last minute to take advantage of these services. There are two potential problems you can encounter when waiting until a few days before your wedding to have your teeth whitened. The first of these issues is commonly referred to as over bleaching. This can cause your smile to appear unnaturally bright. The second issue is the need for a follow-up visit in order to achieve the results you are looking for. Since your teeth can only be safely whitened every few weeks, there simply will not be time to schedule this follow-up if you wait until a few days before your wedding to have your first appointment. 

#3: Hair Dying 

Whether you are looking to touch up your roots or are planning to dye your hair a whole new color, you will want to have this service performed at least a week prior to your wedding day. This is especially true if you are planning to dye your hair a lighter color. This is because the color of freshly dyed hair can often be a bit brassy in the days immediately after it has been dyed. Furthermore, if you find that you are unhappy with your new hair color, you will not be able to safely dye it again for a few days. 
